Animal Picture downloaders

Product information

Release v1.0.0 (Updated )


0 von 5 Sternen

3 purchases

It downloads

Release history


Blackfort Development

Nick Brouwer's profile photo


This egg will ask you how much (bird, owl, fox, dog, cat) pictures you want to download on the pterodactyl server.

After you enter a amount of pictures you want to download it will download how much you entered.

If you want to buy this egg with ideal or if you have any questions dm: ItsJustNickDev on Discord


  • You may not resell this egg
  • You may not send this egg to others
  • You may not upload this egg to any third party sites
  • You may not install this egg on multiple servers without consent
  • You may not request a refund
  • You may not chargeback

If you decide to buy it then please leave a review! :)