CPU Guardian [1.1]

Product information

Release v1.1 (Updated )


3 out of 5 stars

3 out of 5 stars · 2 reviews · 29 purchases

Open sourced product that prevents people from spamming CPU by using activities that violate Terms of Service (ToS).

Release history


Lunar Hosting

usslmuk's profile photo


Please read below

It won't work as expected if these steps are not followed.



  • A settings.json file for configuration
  • Easy setup process
  • Monitoring for abusive servers
  • Open-sourced

Installation for execution every 20 minutes:

  1. Place CPU_Guardian.php and settings.json in /var/www/pterodactyl
  2. Modify the settings.json file
  3. Execute crontab -e in your terminal and enter: */20 * * * * sudo php /var/www/pterodactyl/CPU_Guardian.php
  4. Save changes

Note: If you wish to modify the interval, refer to: http://crontab.org/

Installation for manual execution:

  1. Place CPU_Guardian.php and settings.json in your preferred directory
  2. Modify the settings.json file
  3. Execute sudo php /your_path/CPU_Guardian.php in your terminal

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