Hash File

Product information

Release v1.0.0 (Updated )


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1 purchases

This Pterodactyl addon allows you to easily calculate file hashes (SHA1, SHA256, and MD5) directly from the panel, providing an essential tool for verifying the integrity and authenticity of your server files.

Release history


Velta Studios

Mizael_S's profile photo


This addon requires Pterodactyl 1.x.x and modification of Wings!

Ensuring file integrity and authenticity is a crucial part of managing servers. The File Hash addon for Pterodactyl allows users to calculate file hashes (SHA1, SHA256, and MD5) directly from the panel. This powerful tool provides a seamless way to verify file integrity without the need for external tools, saving time and ensuring greater security for your server.

Please note: This addon requires modifications to Pterodactyl Wings as well as the Panel. Instructions for both are included in the installation guide.

Video Demo



  • Easily calculate file hashes (SHA1, SHA256, and MD5) directly from the Pterodactyl panel.
  • Helps verify the integrity and authenticity of server files effortlessly.
  • Integrates seamlessly into the existing Pterodactyl panel interface.
  • Provides a secure and user-friendly method for managing file authenticity checks.
  • Includes modifications to Wings to fully support hash calculations.
  • Improves your ability to ensure server file security and reduce risks.


All necessary installation instructions, including modifications for both the Panel and Wings, are included in the provided documentation and installation guide.

Terms and Conditions

By purchasing and using this addon, you agree to the following terms:

  1. No sharing: You are the sole owner and user of this addon.
  2. No reproduction: You may not reproduce or copy it to sell it under another name.
  3. Updates not guaranteed: We can stop supporting this addon at any time.
  4. No refunds: If you have a problem with the addon, open a ticket on our Discord.


If you need any help, please join our Discord server for support: Velta Studios Discord.