Players Manager [20%]

Product information

Release v2.3.0 (Updated )


0 von 5 Sternen

54 purchases

What people always wanted, a simple to install player manager with support for all games (including RUST).

Release history



Scai's profile photo


This addon will only work for Pterodactyl [1.X]

What is Players Manager?

The add-on add the ability to query the server and return the players online on the server with additional pieces of information for the game you want.


  1. Query
  • Hostname
  • Map
  • Players online/max
  • List of players
  • Additional informations depending on the game.
  1. Manage Players
Disclaimer: Only Minecraft & Rust supported yet.
  • Kick/Ban/Op/De-op Players


Follow the instructions in: (.txt is for old school boys). I recommend installing Typora for the best experience of reading. (screenshots & examples for installation)


  1. You may not share/send/resell this addon to others
  2. You may not upload this addon to any third party sites
  3. You may not request a refund
  4. You may not chargeback