Product Releases: PteroSync

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  • stable v1.2d - 

    We're excited to announce the release of PteroSync v1.2d! This update brings new features, language support, and optimizations that enhance integration and performance. Here’s what’s new:

    New Features

    WHMCS Password Synchronization

    We've added the ability to link your WHMCS and Pterodactyl passwords. Now, users on WHMCS can configure their clients to use the same password on Pterodactyl as they do on WHMCS. For more details on setting this up, please visit our WHMCS-Pterodactyl Sync Setup Wiki.

    Port Fetch Optimization

    To improve the speed of server creation, we've optimized the port fetching process. Now, only 200 ports are fetched per request, significantly enhancing performance.

    Configurable IP Alias

    Added a new option in config.json: use_alias_ip. When enabled, PteroSync will use the alias of the IP address instead of the original. By default, this setting is false.

    What's Changed

    • Added Danish translations by @victorpahuus in #11
    • Added Dutch translations by @QuintenQVD0 in #12
  • stable v1.2c - 

    🚀 New Features & Improvements!

    🌟 WISP Panel Support

    We're excited to announce that PteroSync now supports the WISP game panel! For detailed instructions and more information, please visit our wiki page.

    🎮 Game Server Status

    Introducing a new feature that allows you to view the current status of your game servers directly! Here's what you can expect:

    • Server Name Display: If your server has a name, we'll show it.
    • Online/Offline Status: Instantly see whether your server is up and running or taking a break.
    • Current Players: Keep track of who's playing with real-time player counts.

    Want to enable this feature? Simply set show_server_information to true in your config.json file. By default, this option is turned off to keep things tidy.

    🔧 Enhanced Control Buttons

    We've made significant improvements to our control buttons (Start, Stop, Restart, and the newly added Kill button) to ensure they accurately reflect the server's state, enhancing reliability and user experience. Here's a brief overview:

    • Kill Button: Sometimes, you just need to force a halt. Use the Kill button with caution!
    • Start/Stop/Restart Buttons: Enhanced logic for a more accurate state reflection and smoother control over your server operations.

    🛠 Path Resolution for JS and CSS

    To ensure seamless integration and a smoother user experience, we've updated the path resolution for JavaScript and CSS files. Now, paths are dynamically generated using WHMCS's $globals settings for SystemURL. This change guarantees that assets are correctly linked, regardless of your WHMCS installation path.

    These improvements were made with you in mind, ensuring that managing your servers is as intuitive and hassle-free as possible.

  • stable v1.2b - 

    First release on sourcexchane.